Member Spotlight: Kate Sullivan

Member Spotlight: Kate Sullivan

Kate Sullivan

As shared earlier on in the week – Kates’ fantastic results; Kate started training last year and has made amazing progress with her weight loss. She applied all the small steps her trainer Joy suggested and not only lost 28 kg but also gained massive confidence along the way.
Kate now attends the gym two times a week, where she is making big gains in her strength, she is a member of a stand up paddle board group and is also sailing competitively offshore and will be competing in her first Rolex Fastnet race this year.
Here’s what Kate had to say:
“After returning from 10 months of travelling, the plan was to head straight back to London and pick up my life where I’d left it. However, after spending a couple of months in Hamble and attending Pinnacle, I decided I needed a lifestyle change if I were to lose the weight and more importantly keep it off!”
“Joy set me up on MyFitness pal and I started tracking my nutrition, attended twice-weekly personal training sessions, kept active in my day to day life and I quickly started seeing results. 12 months later I’m down 28kg, living a completely different lifestyle and a million times happier than I’ve been before.”
Fantastic effort from Kate and her trainer Joy.