Member Spotlight: Vicky Morrall

Member Spotlight: Vicky Morrall

Vicky Morrall

Vicky started training with us after giving birth to her daughter through a C-section. Her initial goal was to lose the weight she had gained through pregnancy whilst developing her strength and fitness.


Over the past year she has been training 3 days per week with us, with 2 of those being coached. Sessions have progressed consistently in that time with Vicky getting stronger and increasing her overall level of conditioning, while becoming competent in her ability to read programmes effectively and perform sessions on her own.

Initially Vicky began doing our inclusive monthly nutrition consults with Emma, making gradual changes which led to steady and consistent progress. She then made the decision to upgrade to a more extensive nutrition plan with Emma preparing tailored meal plans for her, which has increased her nutritional knowledge and accelerated her progress over the past 3 months, leading to a dramatic change in her overall physique.

In just under a year of training, Vicky lost a total of 16 kg.

Whatโ€™s Next?

Vickyโ€™s next goal is to begin to build more muscle and further develop her physique, whilst our objective for her is to increase her overall strength and develop her capability in a wider range of exercises which has been made more challenging as a result of her C-section.

There are a couple of things to take away from what Vicky has achieved over the past year:

-First of all, being patient goes a long way. Vicky didnโ€™t walk through the door demanding things to be achieved overnight, she took her time and this has allowed time for new information and habits to stick. 1 year might feel like a long time, but in a yearโ€™s time most of us will be saying how quickly the yearโ€™s gone! Take your time, you donโ€™t have to achieve things in really short windows.

-Secondly she has been very consistent during that period of time, continually turning up and working hard, taking instructions well and trying her best at all times. You canโ€™t really ask for more as a coach!

Great work Vicky!